Reflections from Harvard Divinity School's "Die-In"
Yesterday, at Harvard Divinity School's noon service, a group of Black students demonstrated a "die-in," to bring awareness to our immediate community about the gross killings of Black bodies in this country. We are dedicated to the liberation of our people, and will achieve it by whatever ethical means we deem necessary. Hence, we disrupted. We disrupted to conscientize our community, yes, but to make others feel uncomfortable with their implicit racial privilege, bias and non-activism. We disrupted to symbolize the historical continuum of strict policing and shedding of innocent blood. We disrupted so that the larger Harvard community knows that we will not stand by idly in your classrooms while watching our sisters, brothers, cousins, parents, friends, children, aunts, uncles, partners and loved ones die, and we remain silent. We are here. We matter. Our bodies matter.
We wept. We lamented, both publicly and privately, because the killing of our people hurts. It hurts. And for privileged communities, such as Harvard, to remain silent hurts even more. Our Harvard education means nothing if we remain complicit with the unabated suffering around us, and never agitate institutions that perpetuate this cultural ethos of complacency. We will not retreat to the silos of Harvard halls or the comfort of your classrooms and be complacent. We will continue to divest from privilege and intentionally disrupt. Because our bodies matter. Our lives matter. We are woke!!! We are here. We are unashamedly Black! #TerenceCrutcher#BlackLivesMatter #HarvardUniversity #HDS